As Frederick County Public School enter the last marking period of the school year, summer will be here before we know it…
Member News
Member EventsMember NewsRibbon Cuttings
Frederick Chamber Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings, and Groundbreakings: March 2019
Your new business, new location, new ownership, expansion, or milestone anniversary deserves a celebration in the business community. A Chamber Ribbon Cutting…
Looking for a great weekend brunch option to enjoy? Frederick is home to several locations with respectable brunch service and many of…
The mission of the Entrepreneur Council of Frederick County is to facilitate, support and encourage entrepreneurship in Frederick County through collaboration, outreach, education and…
When Amanda Haddaway started HR Answerbox, her boutique human resources consultancy firm, four years ago she was already a seasoned HR professional…
This month we were fortunate to welcome two tasty new locations to Frederick: South Market Sandwich Co., and Zoup! Eatery. South Market Sandwich…
Led by the husband and wife team, Lisa Ortiz and Chris Hinchman, Spring Ridge Chiropractic offers chiropractic care in their Spring Ridge location in Frederick.…
Troyce Gatewood & Partners is a well-known name in and around Frederick County. Led by real estate powerhouse Troyce Gatewood, under the…
Issue AdvocacyMember News
What the School Report Cards Mean for Our Community & Business in Frederick
In early December, the MSDE released their statewide public school report cards that measure performance on the state’s new accountability system. Frederick…