Background of the Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan
In the Summer of 2024, Frederick County kicked off the creation of an economic development plan; focusing on variables that impact our ability to compete in the regional and national marketplace. The effort, known as the Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan, or “IW2”, is a component of the County’s planning Work Program. This plan establishes a road map for implementing the Livable Frederick Master Plan, which is the County’s primary strategic plan for growth, development, and preservation. The IW2 is a partnership between two County divisions – Planning & Permitting (through its Livable Frederick Planning & Design Office) and Economic Opportunity (through its Economic Development and Workforce Services offices).
Plan Objectives include:
Expressing a strategic vision for how the Frederick County can accomplish its economic development goals while maintaining its character, leveraging its economic advantages, and improving the lives of current and future residents
Expanding the non-residential tax base
Prioritizing targeted industry sectors for growth in Frederick County
Ensuring an adequate supply of appropriately designated, regulated, and infrastructurally-adequate land for the redevelopment of development of employment sites
Since IW2 is largely a land use planning document, the County will consider topics such as zoning, transportation, growth, and development. However, land use is a jumping off point for many other relevant challenges affecting our economic competitiveness. Partners in the Division of Economic Opportunity also bring their knowledge, understanding, and their own set of tools to the table as we develop this plan.
The County’s goal is to work with the Planning Commission to prepare a plan ready for adoption by the County Council by the end of the year. They hope to use this document to place itself in the best possible position for economic success in future years by making sure employers and employees are both taken care of, and doing so in a way that maintains what we all love about Frederick County. There are things that need improvement, things that are already great, and everywhere in between. The County is also aware that the resident experts of the local business environment are the businesses themselves, which is where you come in! If you are an owner or operator of a small to mid-size business, we want to hear from you!
Frederick County Wants to Hear From You!
Please take a few moments – or more if you have the time an energy – to give the County a better understanding of what they could be doing to support the business community and its workforce, both present and future. Listed below are a few questions to jumpstart the conversation. Let’s talk about the County’s economic future!
1. Do our land regulations match our intentions? Or your needs?
2. What are the biggest challenges facing your employees?
3. Where should the County encourage the most intense economic activity?
4. Is our local infrastructure (water/sewer, roads, schools, public safety) sufficient to serve your needs today? In the future?
You can reach out to the Livable Frederick Planning & Design Office’s Planning Manager, Denis Superczynski at DSuperczynski@ FrederickCountyMD.gov and use “IW2” in the subject line. Thank you for your participation in helping your local government put the best possible plan in front of our elected officials!
Frederick Chamber Insights is a news outlet of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. For more information about membership, programs and initiatives, please visit our website.