Home Work Smarter 5 Ways to Get The Biggest ROI on Your Print Advertising

5 Ways to Get The Biggest ROI on Your Print Advertising

Print is not dead! While in recent years, there has been a big shift to make everything digital, and the focus on print marketing publishing has decreased, print advertising is still an effective way to market your organization, product or event.

Print ads have a longer shelf life. For digital and social ads, once your budget is up, your ad stops working, but a print ad’s visibility is ongoing—it may live on tables and desks, in waiting rooms, hotels, cafes and offices literally for years. Also, people multi-task less when reading print. There are no pop ups, push notifications or ad blocks to contend with. Lastly, studies show that 47% of all consumers are more likely to start an online search after reviewing a magazine ad. So, use your print ad as a means to drive people to your website.

However, what makes print advertising hard is that it’s not easy to track results. For digital and social ads, we can easily see numbers, click rates, visitors, and likes. As the publisher of Sass Magazine and a print designer, I’ve found that advertisers frequently don’t know how to maximize print to its fullest potential. Here is a list of easy, effective ways to get the biggest return on your print magazine advertising:

5 Ways to Get The Biggest ROI on Your Print Advertising

Don’t Overdo It

Sometimes our advertisers want to include EVERYTHING about their business and/or offer within one ad. Narrow down your content. Focus on one offer, service or event. Make your message clear and concise, so, as a reader is flipping through a magazine, they can quickly scan-read your ad. If you include everything and the kitchen sink in your ad content, the reader will simply be overwhelmed, and will most likely pass you over. 

Include a Way to Track Your Ad

There are several ways to track your print ad using digital tracking options. These can include something as simple as including a specific discount or coupon code. You’ll then be able to see how many people use that specific code when either shopping online or in person. You can also include a QR code (as long as you’re using it smartly), or a vanity URL that directs the user to a specific landing page. This will allow you to track how many visitors you get directly from that URL or QR code. The catch is—you need to have a system set up to track these options!

Sign Up for a Contract

For Sass Magazine and many other publications, there is an option for an annual print contract. A longer contract will get you in front of the publication’s readers more often, and they will begin to recognize and trust your company or service. We’ve found that our advertisers get a much higher ROI with an ongoing ad campaign. But, change up your ad slightly with each print run—update your offer, change the headline, or change the photo.

(P.S. while an annual contract seems like (and is) a commitment, you actually will typically get a discounted per ad rate for signing up for that longer contract term)

Stay True to Your Brand

Make sure your ad always has a branded overall look and feel. Hopefully you already have an established logo and business brand (if not, call us, we can help!), so make sure your print ads stay true to that brand. This not only includes some of the visual aspects, such as color palette, fonts, and photography usage, but also includes language and copy that matches your overall brand culture.

Mix It Up

While we are big believers in print advertising, you HAVE to mix it up. Your advertising and marketing should integrate both print and digital components. Have your print advertising point the reader to your website or list a specific hashtag, have a social media post mention your print ad. Remember the marketing principle of seven touches—you usually need to get in front of your prospect at least 7 times before they make a decision to buy. Sass offers an all-inclusive advertising option that allows our advertisers to get in front of our readers via print, social, digital and in-person events! Ask your print publisher how you can incorporate different avenues of your advertising campaign and make them all work together!

These are five basic tips that can help you get the biggest response to your print advertising. Interested in advertising with SassMagazine.com?  Contact us for advertising details and rates.


Kimberly Dow, Owner, Publisher & Creative Director
Kim is the creator and owner of Sass Magazine, and will also serve as publisher and creative director. She is also the owner of Sass’s sister company, Sass Studios, a graphic design studio in downtown Frederick, MD that focuses on working with those in the pet-related and women-oriented industries. 


Frederick Chamber Insights is a news outlet of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. For more information about membership, programs and initiatives, please visit our website.


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