Home Business Frequently Asked Questions about Family and Medical Leave Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions about Family and Medical Leave Insurance

The Maryland Department of Labor is in the process of establishing Maryland’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) system. The new FAMLI system will ensure eligible Maryland workers can take up to 12 weeks away from work to care for themselves or a family member and still be paid up to $1000 a week. This program is often referred to as “paid family and medical leave” or simply “paid leave.” This will also require employers with at least one employee to opt into the program. Since the department has been asked a multitude of questions over the past year, they have created an updated document answering the 95 most frequently asked questions as well as the opportunity to ask your own question in case it wasn’t already answered!

We wanted to include a couple of those important FAQs here, but all 95 answers can be found here.


 How will a worker qualify for benefits?

A worker will be eligible for benefits after working at least 680 hours in a position based in Maryland in the 4 calendar quarters reported before they need to take leave. The worker can apply for benefits after a qualifying life event.


What qualifying events could a worker use leave for?

A worker could use leave:

  • To welcome a child into their home, including through adoption and foster care
  • To care for themselves, if they have a serious health condition
  • To care for a family member with a serious health condition
  • To make arrangements for a family member’s military deployment


Will all employers with workers in Maryland be required to provide paid leave?

Yes, all employers with at least one worker in Maryland will be required to provide paid leave. There are no exemptions. Employers can choose to do so through the State Plan, a commercial plan, or a self-insured option. 6. HowisFAMLIfunded? FAMLI is funded through contributions that employers will remit to the State on a quarterly basis. The contribution amount is based on payroll. Employers may withhold up to 50%ofthe total contribution rate from workers’ paychecks. 7. Whenwill contributions begin? The contribution period will begin on July 1, 2025. This means payroll deductions will begin on July 1 and employers will remit the first payment to the State in October 2025.


This document is an updated version of the FAQ’s first published on our website in January 2024. It is important to note that the Department has not yet finalized regulations. Therefore, these answers are subject to change. Updated information will be posted at paidleave.maryland.gov.


Frederick Chamber Insights is a news outlet of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. For more information about membership, programs and initiatives, please visit our website.

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