Home Chamber News September 2024 Member of the Month

September 2024 Member of the Month

At our core, we help people and businesses solve problems and take advantage of opportunities. Our business, Woodsboro Bank, provides a full range of financial services including personal and business banking, commercial loans, mortgages, and much more. We are dedicated to meeting the financial needs of our community with a focus on providing an exceptional client experience and community-driven initiatives.

A Conversation with Rich Ohnmacht, President

Tell us Woodsboro Bank’s story – when you started, how, why?

Woodsboro Bank was established 125 years ago by a group of local entrepreneurs and farmers who saw the need for a reliable financial institution that could support the economic growth of our town. Their vision was to create a bank that would be deeply rooted in the community, fostering strong relationships and providing accessible financial services to all residents. Recent years have seen us experience a period of strong growth and success, and we owe a lot of that to the growth of the Frederick business community.


What do you like most about being an organization in Frederick County?

What I love most about doing business in Frederick is the sense of community and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of our neighbors. Frederick is a place where people genuinely care about each other, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see how our efforts contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of the community. The local support and the collaborative spirit make it a wonderful place to do business. I feel very lucky to live here and work for a company that is located here and does the vast majority of its business in this market.

Why did you join the Chamber? How has being a member of the Chamber benefited you?

We joined the Chamber of Commerce many years ago because we believe in the power of collective action and the importance of supporting local businesses. The Chamber provides a platform for networking, advocacy, and community engagement that aligns perfectly with our mission to foster economic growth and inclusivity in Frederick. It allows us to stay connected with other business leaders and to contribute to initiatives that benefit the entire community. Plus the events are just a lot of fun, it’s a very friendly group and easy for any business to get engaged.

We strive to have a representative at every Chamber event and we almost always walk away being better informed from each session. The training opportunities are truly top notch in terms of quality and formatting. It’s also a great chance for us to connect with clients and friends of the Bank, along with new prospective business clients. Additionally, the Chamber’s advocacy efforts have supported a business-friendly environment that allows us to thrive and continue serving our community effectively. For us, Chamber membership is a “no brainer”.

What do you want Woodsboro Bank to be known for?

We want Woodsboro Bank to be known for its commitment to our four stakeholders: colleagues, community, client and shareholders. Our philosophy is that if we take care of the first three in that order, then the fourth will also be taken care of. Our goal is to be seen as a trusted partner that genuinely cares about the financial well-being of our clients and the overall prosperity of Frederick. We strive to be a bank that not only provides excellent financial services but also prioritizes and actively contributes to the betterment of our community. You should see and feel that when you walk into a branch or see us at a community event.


Share some of your community involvement efforts.

Our community involvement is a cornerstone of our identity. We proudly support a variety of local nonprofits, including youth organizations, educational programs, and human service initiatives. Each of our 60-plus colleagues receive 24 hours of paid volunteer time annually, and regularly volunteer their time and expertise to community projects. We sponsor various local events that bring people together and celebrate our county’s rich heritage. Additionally, we have established scholarship programs to help local students achieve their educational goals. We truly enjoy spending time together, and our colleagues get to see they are making a difference with all the great non-profits that make Frederick special.

We like to say banking local is the financial version of shopping local. When you bank with a community bank, like Woodsboro Bank, you are helping to fund the dreams of your friends and neighbors.

Rich Ohnmacht stepped into the role of President of Woodsboro Bank this month as key leaders in the organization were promoted. These appointments reflect Woodsboro Bank’s ongoing commitment to fostering and developing talent and ensuring continued growth into its future.


Frederick Chamber Insights is a news outlet of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. For more information about membership, programs and initiatives, please visit our website.

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