Home Member News Member Spotlight: Advocates for Homeless Families, Inc.

Member Spotlight: Advocates for Homeless Families, Inc.

The Chamber is delighted to introduce a fresh spotlight series that focuses on showcasing the accomplishments, narratives, and significant contributions of our members to the community. We trust that the stories shared will inspire and captivate you, serving as testimonials to the vitality of the Frederick County business and nonprofit community.

Advocates for Homeless Families, Inc. is a Frederick-based 501(c)3 nonprofit that strives to solve homelessness by providing access to housing, education, employment and supportive services to Frederick County families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

What does your organization do?

We get families with homeless children off the street and into one of our properties. But not just that, we give them intensive support – things like help with education and career training – so they can eventually stand on their own. We’ve been very successful over the years. 100% graduate to their own homes and 95% stay in them.


Tell us your story – when you started, how, why?

Advocates was founded in 1988 by parishioners from All Saints Episcopal Church in Frederick and other concerned citizens. Back then, there were shelters for men and women but not for families with children. It became increasingly evident this was a problem. Advocates began buying properties and devising a program to raise the families out of poverty to stand on their own. Since then, we’ve served more than 3,000 adults and children.


What do you like most about being an organization in Frederick County?

Frederick is a very caring community. If you are in trouble in any way, there are people and organizations that want to help. It’s often just a matter of finding those resources. We’re also blessed with having consistent funders among the local governments and foundations.

Why did you join the Chamber?

At first we joined to take advantage of group rates on energy costs. But soon we found that the Chamber is the best way to get to know people and organizations who care about Frederick and want to help, too. The list of resources and benefits for members is outstanding and quite effective for us, especially the business card exchanges, which help us build a mailing list.


How has being a member of the Chamber benefitted your organization?

The ways are countless. We’ve met the right people who want to help and we’ve been able to market ourselves effectively through mailing lists, newsletters, and events, just to name a few.


What do you want Advocates to be known for?

We want to be known as a program that works and provides permanent solutions to homelessness in Frederick. Our program is adaptable to the needs of individual families. For example, if a mom wants to pursue a degree that takes more time than our program typically allows, we’ll work with them on that. It really is a tough-love program. There are no free rides. Folks have to want to help themselves, and most do.

What ways can people in the community support you?

There are many ways.  First and foremost, we need a steady stream of donations.  About a third of our funding comes through donations. Unfortunately, we have a substantial waiting list. But we need funds to serve all the people that need help. Secondly, we need volunteers. It doesn’t take much time. If you’d like to be on our board of directors, they meet once per month.  Other volunteer opportunities include mentoring, fundraising, light home maintenance, and babysitting. Finally, we need donations of household goods, linens and furnishings.


Do you have any exciting promotions or interesting events coming up?

We are currently working to have a community event to serve as a fundraiser. It could be a trivia event, golf tournament, pub crawl, 5K, camp out, or something fun the community can get behind. Stay tuned for that. We also have an active speaker’s bureau who can come speak to your organization to let them know about Advocates. If you need to put on a monthly program, which many clubs do, we are an answer to that.

Frederick Chamber Insights is a news outlet of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. For more information about membership, programs and initiatives, please visit our website.

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