Home Chamber News Touching Lives Awards 2024

Touching Lives Awards 2024

Alex Gushard-Edwards

Woman to Woman Mentoring

Alex has been with Women to Women Mentoring for about two years as Development and Marketing Assistant. Before she started working with the organization, she was working hard on her own journey by building a supportive network of women to be around. When this opportunity became available, she knew immediately that it was the right fit for her. She loves helping women to stay connected and gain mentorship.

Her greatest accomplishment so far has been giving more light to the organization in the community. She loves hearing from others about the work she’s doing to promote the cause in the community. She’s been able to lead several projects like National Mentoring Month, which has been very rewarding. Alex has grown tremendously in her role. She loves to connect with people and has been glad this position has let her do that. Alex feels the services provided by the organization are so important to our community and to the women who participate. She’s finding out more about herself every day through this work.

“Alex is such a joy to have on the Woman to Woman Mentoring team. She’s smart, passionate, creative, caring, and so talented. She brings all of her gifts to her work and her community involvement. She’s accomplished so much already and is always looking for ways to keep growing and improving. Alex’s future is so bright, she’s definitely one to watch!” Amy Savitt, Co-Worker

Visit Woman to Woman Mentoring’s website

Ashley Tauler

Maryland Coalition of Families

Ashley has worked for MCF for a little over two years, most recently as Policy & Advocacy Associate. Having experienced life in foster care, Ashley serves as a role model for her colleagues and the families she serves. She is spearheading efforts in Annapolis to provide testimony on proposed legislation that impacts the families MCF supports, helping to change and better the systems.

Among her greatest accomplishments are working with families, elevating their family voice to give them a route to share their stories with their legislative representatives, and connecting clients with community resources. She is able to build rapport and credibility with the families she works with, and is able to listen without judgement. Active in family peer support work, she participates on the local care team, and outreach events that bring families together. She graduates next month with her bachelor’s degree in social work, and will be pursuing her master’s degree in the fall.

“Ashley is integral to helping MCF fulfill its mission to deliver high-quality family peer support services and create change in the systems of care our families rely on to help their loved ones. The support Ashley provides to Frederick County families is incalculable and our organization and the families we serve are infinitely better for her contributions, insights, commitment, persistence and compassion.” Karen Duffy, Co-Worker

Visit the Maryland Coalition of Families website

Antoinette Vasseur

ClearView Communities

Antoinette just celebrated her one year anniversary with Clearview Communities as the Therapeutic Horticulture Program Coordinator. By creating the Therapeutic Horticulture Program, Antoinette has crafted a sanctuary where ClearView’s clients find solace, growth, and healing. Through her dedication, she has fostered a safe haven for individuals to navigate life’s challenges, cultivate coping mechanisms, and embrace the therapeutic power of nature. Her efforts have created a ripple effect of positivity and healing that touches everyone around her.

Antoinette considers this program to be her greatest accomplishment, describing the team at ClearView as amazing and open to everything. “This isn’t a job, it’s a community, it’s a family. This truly is my dream job.” Antoinette’s passion for the community extends beyond Clearview, she is spreading it out all over Frederick with her Plants for Purpose. The residents pick where the plants are going to go, then they load up Antoinette’s car to deliver the plants to the organization chosen by the residents.

She actively supports various community endeavors, including Hospice as well as Sophie and Madigan’s Playground, demonstrating her dedication to uplifting others.

“Antoinette’s tireless dedication to fostering healing, growth, and community both within ClearView Communities and beyond is nothing short of inspiring. Her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others, coupled with her genuine compassion and innovative ideas, truly embodies the spirit of the Touching Lives Award. She is a beacon of hope and kindness, and her efforts deserve to be celebrated and recognized.” Aaron Vander Meer, Co-Worker

Visit ClearView Communities’ website

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