Home Member News Meet a Member: DUO Media Productions

Meet a Member: DUO Media Productions

When it comes to marketing services, video production isn’t always first to come to mind, but honestly, it should be!

While video has historically been an important element of marketing, it was often reserved more for those with larger budgets and bigger platforms. With today’s reliance on the Internet for marketing, particularly on social platforms, video is king. And if you look at the data, it’s a pretty effective king too.

Diode Digital recently found that online video is a 600% more effective marketing tool than print and direct mail combined. With platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at your finger tips, video has become an easily accessible and efficient way to reach the audiences you want to reach in an affordable and highly customizable way.

But, when it comes to creating video that effectively engages your audience and allows your business to tell your story while also reaching your marketing goals, it can be challenging. Everyone doesn’t have the skills, creativity, equipment, and vision to get from message to screen. That’s where DUO Media Productions comes in.

DUO Media Productions

Founded in 2007, DUO Media Productions is a full service, award-winning media production company serving national and international clients right here from their Frederick, Maryland offices. They offer a wide range of video production services including commercials, marketing videos, and PSAs for nonprofits, and their services span all phases of a project. From concept development through distribution, DUO helps clients create videos that enlighten, entertain, and inform while also providing expert input and professionalism along the way. 

If you’ve not had an opportunity to work with DUO Media, here are a few things we think you should know.

Meet a Member: DUO Media Productions

One of DUO Media’s slogans is: “we make you look good and have fun while doing it.”  

And they don’t just mean they use some Instagram-like filters to smooth you out. They make you look good by getting you and everyone who sees your video excited about your message. As co-founder Brian Pennington explains, “I think it’s exciting to get people excited about any given commercial or informational video they need to get out.  To get them on board, to get them creative, and, in a way, remind them why they go into their specific industry; get them all fired up. Because people don’t make videos all the time as part of their day to day — you know, they’re doing whatever their field is — it’s fun for us to step into that creative space for them and walk them through that process to help them come up with the best possible ideas for what they’re trying to do.”

The DUO Media team has a background in narrative film making. 

Which allows them to create videos with a different creative spin on them than some of the more out-of-the-box video production companies. “Our background in narrative film  making colors everything that we do for clients. We can be a little more creative and we think a little more outside the box with how we approach any given problem that a client might have.  So, we tend towards funny, dramatic, engaging work and don’t get tied up with the nuts and bolts of video production,” said Pennington.

And it makes them even better at what they do for their clients. 

It’s not just about having fun shooting Indie films with their friends. All of the time the DUO team spends making films they love, inspires and informs what they do when it comes time to make videos their clients love. 

As Pennington describes, when it comes to independent film making, it gives them an opportunity to grow and explore new things, “We try out new things — new techniques, new gear, new crew — on our own dime.  Then, when we need to come up with a new, clever idea for a client or a project, we have these personal past experiences in film making to lean on and to leverage and we’ve brought concepts and techniques that we’ve tried in independent film dozens of times to clients.

They “get” Frederick.

Frederick is a unique place to be a business owner and Brian Pennington put it into words perfectly, “Frederick is just cool.  It’s a cool town, and not “pretend” cool like some other towns, where they have a sort of injected culture. Frederick feels very small town and everyone is genuinely friendly.  When we leave Frederick, we brace for grumpy people, you know? Frederick is cozy and close, but still growing. It’s got its finger on the pulse, so you get the small-town experience, but you’re not missing anything.  You’re not being left behind. You’re being pushed forward. And there are so many unique, small businesses downtown, trying to do what they love, which makes it feel like we’re all in it together. We’re sharing successes and  sharing challenges and even if the answer is not a video that we make, just us trying to help one of our neighbors wrap their head around any given problem is exciting, because we want Frederick to do well.

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